How tos

We are not perfect, but we try our best to explain how we do stuff

Watch our "This buoy saved us over £1000 pounds" video and add comments

This buoy saved us over £1000 pounds

Well oour annual maintenance time has approached and it is time to pull out our anchor chain and inspect it. Now we check our chain every tear, but one of the things that we don't do every year is...
Watch our "Some days are not worth the trouble!" video and add comments

Some days are not worth the trouble!

We were in Arklow and the conditions were rough. It was so bad that large waves were coming up the river and bouncing Salty Lass. I was supposed to be working but I simply couldn't concentrate. So I...
Watch our "Small marina means it's squeaky bum time" video and add comments

Small marina means it's squeaky bum time

We were in Malahide and we were concerned about out exhaust elbow. It was a task that we had been putting off for various reasons We had not done this inspection before, so we were...
Watch our "Sailing Fail? Heaving-to goes wrong twice" video and add comments

Sailing Fail? Heaving-to goes wrong twice

We were in Arglass and we were preparing to leave to go South. However, the video shows the last sewing project that I did in Bangor, where I used tape around a spare bit of fish TV fabric. The tape...
Watch our "I'm so glad that I have wobbly bits" video and add comments

I'm so glad that I have wobbly bits

We were in Carrickfergus for two nights and we were determined to make the best use of our stay, so one on the things on our list of jobs to do was repair the anchor locker. The piece of wood under...
Watch our "After 6 months, can we still remember how to sail?" video and add comments

After 6 months, can we still remember how to sail?

Can you believe it, we have finally left the marina, we are only going to Carrickfergus to see Beverley's mum, but we are leaving the marina. The sea state was rather lumpy and there was a fair...
Watch our "We'll either fix it or really break it" video and add comments

Radio Mic

We had taken the sail down, but it was far too windy to continue with that job, so we decided to tackle a little job inside the boat and that was our fixing our radio mic. The cable that we ordered...
Watch our "Essential items for your boat" video and add comments

Essential items for your boat

We were in Bangor on a fairly windy day and with my work schedule, doing jobs for Beverley's mum and poor weather there was only time to sort out a few boat tasks, so the task that I sorted out was...
Watch our "It's time for the January sails..." video and add comments

It's time for the January sails...

The weather is still not great here in Bangor, with lots of dull days and grey skies, but its dry enough to get some projects started, so we have started with our fender step. ...
Watch our "We fix up our free cruising chute" video and add comments

We fix up our free cruising chute

The weather was calm so Beverley flew the drone over the marina. I have to say I love drone footage, it gives a sense of place. Viewers really get a good idea of where we are, while our blogs show...