Well the year is up for grabs with who know what

Watch our "It takes more than weather to stop us" and add comments

It takes more than weather to stop us

In what can only be described as a marathon edit, Beverley produced this weeks episode which is our review of 2021. In that time we have sampled all sorts of weather including the beast from the...
Watch our "You can fix anything with tape" video and add comment

You can fix anything with tape

Beverley and I had been in port for a long time, we have had storm Arwen which was a real bute, followed by storm Barra which was another cracker. On top of this I have got a wee job and I have been...
Watch our "Anchoring" video and add comments


Anchoring out is such great fun, you can get to places that are remote, interesting and beautiful. The other good thing about anchoring is the cost, with everywhere in the Scottish islands being...
Watch our "Mooring techniques" video and add comments

Mooring techniques

Well the winter talks have begun and to kick the season off, we start with how we moor up to mooring buoys Why moor, or What is wrong with marinas? Location - They might not be where you...
Watch our "Windlass Repair" video and add comments

Full windlass Service

All our visitors had gone so it was at last time to pull the windlass and fix it. So these are the steps we took Make sure that the windlass is electrically isolated. We did this by first...
Watch our "Are the batteries dead? Or "just resting"?" video and add comments etc

Are the batteries dead? Or "just resting"?

As soon as we got back to Belfast I was away to visit my parents for a short while, so Beverley was the one that moved Salty Lass from Abercorn Basin to Bangor. To do so she enlisted a guy who is...
Watch our "Our last hoorah! No more sailing!" and add comments etc

Our last hoorah! No more sailing!

The weather was overcast, but there was no rain forecast so we decided to explore Islay, so we took the bus to Bowmore. Bowmore can be best described as a one street town with the circular church at...
Watch our "Riding the rocket! Extreme tides" and add comments

Riding the rocket! Extreme tides

We were once again in Craobh, a nice enough marina, but realistically there is not much to do. The shop is really tiny and it is miles from any where, so it was a good thing that we were going that...
Watch our "Fog, anchoring, charging and the big screw-up" video and add comments

Fog, anchoring, charging and the big screw-up

As we continued down the Sound of Jura, the fog started to descend, so much so that I could not distinguish between the sea and the sky. The biggest problem was that the land was obscured too, but...
Watch our "Atlantic crossing. Easy-peasy" video and add comments

Atlantic crossing. Easy-peasy

We had done a short bunny hop down the coast to Puilladobhrain Anchorage which was quite snug with quite a few yachts all anchored up. The entrance to the anchorage is 4m in depth but with having...