
These pages are about our Dinghy called Salty Sausage. We bought her in Liverpool, because our original dinghy decided to go for a wonder.

Watch our "I can't see! We are completly off course" video and add comments

I can't see! We are completly off course

With the wind coming from the south Ballyholme Bay has been a fantastic refuge. For sailing south however, the south wind just meant that we would wind over tide, so we ended up staying at...
Watch our "Engine Service - Tips and tricks" video and add comments

Engine Service - Tips and tricks

This week we finally get around to our engine service. We have done a few videos covering this topic so we thought that this time we would just cover some of the tips and tricks that we have learnt...
Watch or "The best way to clean your bottom" video and add comments

The best way to clean your bottom

Spring has begun and our itchy feet are starting to itch something shocking. Some good news though when this video goes out we will be allowed to do local sailing. On top of that Scotland will be...
Watch our "Secret anchorage" video and add comments etc.

Our secret Anchorage

We were in Larne Lough and we had a choice, either motor up to Glenarm or get the dinghy out to motor around Larne Lough. So seeing as motoring in Salty Sausage sounded more fun that is exactly what...
Watch our "Man overboard preparation" video and add comments

Man Overboard preparation

Really this is just the start of our thinking on Man Overboard, as we will be coming back to this topic again as we perfect all the techniques, but we have at least started the study with, how do we...
Watch our 'Slinging the Sausage' video and add comments etc.

Slinging the sausage

One of our subscribers was interested in how we mount our dinghy Salty Sausage to our stern so we decided to create an extra just for them and anyone else who was interested. Equipment ...
Watch our 'We dragged our anchor' video and add comments ect.

We dragged our anchor

After anchoring in Loch Drambuie, which according to Google maps is Droma Buidhe, no where near as nice sounding name.  it was time to start heading south, we want to explore more of Ireland...
Watch our 'Salty Sausage rides again' and add comments etc.

Salty Sausage rides again

We were off once again and this time we were off to a little island called Gigha, there was absolutely no wind, so we motored across. While we sat in the cockpit keeping an eye on the autopilot, we...
Watch our 'Southport 2018' video and add comments etc.

Southport 2018 - 24 hour race

It was the Southport 24hour race and we had agreed to do the cooking. For the team leaders that means a lot of preparation. I had gone down to Manchester and borrowed all the camping equipment....
Watch Spare ribs in full screen mode and add comments etc.

Spare Ribs

I feel very fortunate, as I always seam to get what I want, we had only been in Liverpool for an hour and already someone was giving me a rib. True, the rib was not in great shape, but it was what I...