What fun will we have this year

Watch our "All good things come to an end" video and add comments

All good things come to an end

We anchored in Ballyholme Bay for the night. It is amazing, how it only takes one step, for people to be able to go out of their comfort zone. I went into the bay initially, but I had been intending...
Watch our "To boldly go where we've never gone before!" video and add comments

To boldly go where we've never gone before!

We stayed on the mooring at Port St. Mary for two nights because the winds were quite high, but with the wind coming from the west, we were quite protected. Soon however the weather was much...
Watch our "Oops! Our solar panels got pulled off!" video and add comments

Oops! Our solar panels got pulled off!

Sailing is a constant task of assessing the wind and making the most of the conditions you have. That is one of the reasons that we called our Genoa the Hookie Dookie sail as it comes in and out so...
Watch our "Swing bridge fails! Are we struck here?" video and add comments

Swing bridge fails! Are we struck here?

We were in Peel and we put our sailing gear out to dry in the wind. We had got ourselves seriously soaked the night before, The light weather gear, from a down pour, while our foul weather gear was...
Watch our "I can't see! We are completly off course" video and add comments

I can't see! We are completly off course

With the wind coming from the south Ballyholme Bay has been a fantastic refuge. For sailing south however, the south wind just meant that we would wind over tide, so we ended up staying at...
Watch our "Old women refuse to sail on windy day" video and add comments

Old women refuse to sail on windy day

We had been in Carrickfergus to see Beverley's mum and sorting out a few bits and bobs, but it was time to move on, so we sailed across Belfast Lough to Bangor. For once we had those rare...
Watch our "This did not go according to plan!" video and add comments

This did not go according to plan!

We had left Gigha and it was time to get the sails up, so we unhitched the halyard from one of cleats on the mast. This was a little trick we learned from re-reading our competent crew books, but by...
Watch our "The engine's fine, but the crew needs a jump start" video and add comments

The engine's fine, but the crew needs a jump start

We were at anchor in Lagg Bay and we were trying to get a forecast, so we made my phone into a mobile hot spot then hoisted it up our flag hoist, to see if the extra height could get us the signal...
Watch our "Foul tide be d*mned! We're going anyway" video and add comments

Foul tide be d*mned! We're going anyway

We were sailing at a good clip of knots down the Sound of Jura and I was juggling like mad, trying to make the best decision, on where to go. We could get to the mouth of Loch Sween in an hour, then...
Watch our "Who turned our tide off?" video and add comments

Who turned our tide off?

Our bilges were full of goodies and we were on our way to find our next adventure, whatever that would be. But first thing first, we had to leave Oban Transit marina and go across Oban bay to...