When a fellow yachtie came aboard Salty Lass and said that he could really do with a copy of our "Before Setting Off" checklist. We updated it and sent it off to him, then we started this page and shared the file here too.

Boat buying checklist
When Beverley and I were looking at boats then we used this checklist to compare boats. Using this checklist allowed us to add up the number of projects that we needed to do to plus it identified some of the big ticket items that we would need a professional for like standing rigging.
Please Note: This list is not perfect, but it should give you an idea of how many projects there are on any particular boat and what big ticket items there are to buy. It is these big ticket items that you can use in your negotiation, for example, if the standing rigging needs replacing then you might be able to knock some of the cost of replacement off the asking price.
Leaving the boat checklist
Before you leave the boat then run throught this checklist so that you know your boat is secure.
Before sailing checklist
Before you set off sailing then run through this checklist, it can really help avoid simple mistakes.
Log Book Template

The Log Book template allows you to use a standard A4 book as a log book. Just remember that the A4 book you buy is a bound book meaning that you can not rip pages out of it easily.
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- Yachtmaster