
Our blog contains, videos - these all have Prudence in the bottom left hand corner, galleries - these have © Salty Lass in the corner and just plain stories or how tos - these are plain pictures. However you use this blog, we hope that there is lots for you to enjoy.

Watch our "Will she have the nerve to do it" video and add comments

Will she have the nerve to do it

A re-edited version of our early sails We were in Liverpool and it was time to go sailing, so our first task was to hoist the dingy into it's sling on the back of Salty Lass. Next was all the...
Watch our "Why we built our own marina" video and add comments

Why we built our own marina

We actually built our own marina out of way points, over two years ago, because we wanted to see if we could get into the Marina if the engine failed. Building our own maina So to build our...
Watch our "This buoy saved us over £1000 pounds" video and add comments

This buoy saved us over £1000 pounds

Well oour annual maintenance time has approached and it is time to pull out our anchor chain and inspect it. Now we check our chain every tear, but one of the things that we don't do every year is...
Watch our "At least we're not a fugly boat" video and add comments

At least we're not a fugly boat

We had left the anchorage in Dunmore East and we were at last sailing, We were just near where the gas regulator had failed and we were putting on a cup of tea, so we felt that we were at the moment...
Watch our "Three failures can kill you" video and add comments

Three failures can kill you

We were once again in Dunmore East at anchor and Beverley talked about a book called the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, and on the front of the book are the words "Don't panic" For...
Watch our "Sailors know the Earth isn't flat" video and add comments

Sailors know the Earth isn't flat

It had been a busy day at Kilmore, we had bought some essential supplies, I had done the washing and Beverley had bought a new gas regulator along with a spare. The only thing that we failed to do...
Watch our "Crisis at sea! How will we cope?" video and add comments

Crisis at sea! How will we cope?

We had left Dunmore East and we were at last travelling towards new horizons. I love going new places and my sense of anticipation was high. We were also sailing which I love so as far as I was...
Watch our "We need wind but not that much!" video and add comments

We need wind but not that much!

We had left Kilmore Quay for the second time. Our first departure was not a success because, the swell was pretty heavy. The wind was strong because we had, had a storm the day before and the seas...
Watch our "I guess it's curtains for us..." video and add comments

I guess it's curtains for us...

We were anchored out side Rosslare and it was foggy. The harbour of Rosslare was not that far away and sometimes we could see it while other times it was completely lost in the fog. The coast was...
Watch our "Some days are not worth the trouble!" video and add comments

Some days are not worth the trouble!

We were in Arklow and the conditions were rough. It was so bad that large waves were coming up the river and bouncing Salty Lass. I was supposed to be working but I simply couldn't concentrate. So I...