Salty Lass

Salty Lass

Salty Lass is a Bavaria 36 with asperations, because if you measure her she is 37 feet long. She was manufactured in 2002, but her first bill of sale was in 2003, where she was bought by a fishing enthusiast in Scotland. He wanted a party pad, so he added lots of electrical systems, very badly and he just sailed around Scotland. She was then bought by a lovely couple who added heating very well done and new sails, excellently done and again sailed around Scotland.

In March 2018 she was bought by Beverley and Gaynor and given a new name "Salty Lass". She was bought in Troon and her first big trip was to sail down to Liverpool. In her second big trip, which was to travel to Douglas in the Isle of Man, then on to Whitehaven and back to Liverpool, the trip from Whitehaven to Liverpool, at 22hours was the longest single trip, that she has ever done.

She is blue water capable and she can't wait to show us all what she has got.