
For us, food means gluten free food, we love food and we want to experience as much food as we can.

Watch our 'Clearing up after Pan Pan' video and add comments etc.

Diesel engine exhaust elbow

The clean up after our Pan Pan begins, so we sort out our problems and we discuss wind over tide. One of the issues that we had discovered after our Pan Pan was that the diaphragm around the...
Watch our 'Engine Trouble' video and add comments etc.

Engine Troubles

We had hoped to sail with Karen back to Liverpool, but one look out into the lough, let alone the Irish Sea told us that we were not going anywhere. However Belfast Lough is a great place to sail,...
Watch our 'Salty Sausage rides again' and add comments etc.

Salty Sausage rides again

We were off once again and this time we were off to a little island called Gigha, there was absolutely no wind, so we motored across. While we sat in the cockpit keeping an eye on the autopilot, we...
Watch our 'cock-a-leekie soup' video and add comments etc.

Cock-a-leekie soup

Ingredients: 1 diced chicken breast 1 small onion 3 carrots 1 parsnip 1 large leek or 2 medium ones 1 or 2 cloves of  garlic 2 tblsp split lentils 1 bunch fresh parsley dried mixed herbs...
Warch our 'Whiskey, Storms and Onions' video and add comments

Stormy weather - Islay Scotland

We were in Islay and the start of our Scottish adventures. We had stayed on the pontoons on the outside of the harbour for one night and although we had slept well there was a lot of slap on the...
Watch our 'Giants, fridges and kedgeree' video and add comments etc.

Giants, fridges and kedgeree

Here be giants The giants were in Liverpool so we went to see them along with our friend Karen. It has been a long time since I saw the crowds that were in Liverpool. The last time that I saw...
Watch our 'Gas leaks and Thermal Cookers' video and Add Comments etc.

Gas Leaks and Thermal cookers

Gas leaks The hunt for Gas continues, Beverley had just put in a new cylinder of gas and one week later, it was completely empty. We must have a gas leak. Beverley used soapy water over the hose,...
Watch our 'Southport 2018' video and add comments etc.

Southport 2018 - 24 hour race

It was the Southport 24hour race and we had agreed to do the cooking. For the team leaders that means a lot of preparation. I had gone down to Manchester and borrowed all the camping equipment....
Watch our 'Midnight manovers' video and add comments etc.

Queenies In Peel and Midnight Manoeuvrers

It was a very cold and wet day in Peel, so I decided to talk to the man cooking Queenies and other Manx favourites on the Pier. It was a little strange asking the man if I could film him cooking,...
Watch our Stormy Weather video and add comments etc.

Stormy Weather

We went around Conwy one last time and found a defibrillator in a phone box, which I thought was a great use for the old style telephone box. The weather predictions were fine and everything...