Our main aims for 2020 which were to complete our training for the RYA Yachtmaster, and complete an additional 600nM got sidelined because of Covid, but we managed to blog every week and start our cooking channel Cooks Tour, so a small achievement. Our other small achievements were to reach 1000 viewers and raise over £500 for the RNLI

Watch our "Time to get ready to go" vlog and add comments

Time to get ready to go

The weather at the moment, just seems to be one thing after another if its not storms, then it is snow, not much snow I grant you, but still snow. Our dream is to sail south and not worry about snow...
Watch our "Live from Carrickfergus" video and add comments etc.

Live from Carrickfergus

Well this was just a little bit of an experiment, as we tried out our first live stream, we just had a few people on when we were live but it was enough for us to handle. For us the experiment was...
Watch our "12 months in 12 minutes" video and add comments etc

12 months in 12 minutes

We are having a break from vlogging every week, so this week we put together a summary video which hi-lights some of our adventures from the year. Please note: The links to our own web site stay on...
Watch our "Xmas comes early" video and add comments etc.

Xmas comes early

Living on a boat and getting ready for Christmas can be a strange affair but with a few pipe cleaners and a lot of laughter it is amazing what you van do, even if I had fallen over this week and...
Watch our "Stuff gets done" video and add comments etc

Stuff needs doing

When ever we are not working or the winds are light then its projects for us and we just get on with stuff as stuff needs going Adding our training wheels We needed to add our training...
Watch our "Nothing goes right" video and add comments etc.

Nothing goes right

Beverley and I are continuing to become better sailors by the simple procedure of going out into Belfast Lough and practising. In fact we had planned to go out and complete a basic triangle, but the...
Watch our "Heaving to" video and add comments etc

Heaving To

Heaving to is a great way of stoping your boat in its tracks. One of the channels that we watch mentioned that he used the method for reefing his sails, so we decided to use one of our training days...
Watch our "stormy weather projects" video and add comments etc.

Stormy weather projects

The weather was really bad, so there was no sailing for us. So it was a case of getting stuck in to boat projects of which we had quite a few, but before that could all happen we seriously needed...
Watch our "Top tips for happy sailing video" and add comments etc.

Top Tips for happy sailing

We have bought some more camera mounts, in last weeks blog so this week we decided to go out into Belfast Lough and try them out. There was a few teething problems, but that is normal on our...
Watch our "Storm force 10" video and add comments etc

Storm force 10

To say is was a stormy day in Carrickfergus is a little bit of an understatement. as we had gale force 10 winds, but we still had fun, ticked off one of our jobs on our to do list and got out and...