Great News!

Great News!

On 10th October 2020, we reached our goal of raising £500 for the RNLI. If fact when we closed the page we had received £545.81 plus some just giving donations

Back in March 2018 we were given assistance by the RNLI. We had basically left Port Patrick heading South at high water, so that we had plenty of water under our keel. The only problem with this is that high water is when the tide turns North, so we were out in a North going tide and there was squall after squall, right on our nose. So after battling for three hours and going a sum total of seven nautical miles, we decided to turn around and return to Port Patrick. With the tide and wind in our favour, we returned to Port Patrick in just 40 minutes. Then it was just a case of entering the narow harbour. Just as we were lined up we got a wave of our port side and all of a sudden we were facing the rocks, so Beverley continued the turn and we went out to sea. We then asked for help, expecting some advice but the RNLI boat came out and put their engines on and told is to come in on their wake. Their massive engine effectively calmed the sea and we were soon in. We decided to turn our small misfortune to good, so we decided to raise £500 for the RNLI through a just giving page. (Full story Damsels in Distess)

Since then on top of a fair few anonymous donations and donations from family and friends, we have given a talk which produced this comment

"Had a great laugh at your talk 'A year of videos from Salty Lass'. There were so many things that rung true" from one of the attendees.

Organised a visit to an RNLI station which we documented in our RNLI heros who save lives at sea story and generated a

"Thank-you for organising it" from a member of Liverpool Yacht club

Sold various bits and bobs off our boat including

  • Our old cooker for which Shetland Martin said "Thank-you for the cooker, its exactly what I needed for my yacht"
  • Our old bow fender for which Jeff thanked us with "The bow fender is great"
  • And a light to Trininga, whose comment was "Great work guys, keep up the good work. C."

Had a few fantastic donations from our subscribers which generated these great comments

"Great that you got back safe and sound. We had to call them once when we got into trouble in Millport." - Stewart Taylor

"The amazing RNLI crews put their lives at risk daily to save others in trouble. Its shameful the government do not give them financial backing. God bless you all. True super heros." Yvonne O'Sullivan

"Great channel and a worthy cause. Thanks ladies." Rik Irving.

As well as a complete story from Sean Williams that is the comments of our Damsels in distress video

Sean - The donation "was partly my penance... once when I was crewing on Marisol and we were out in testy weather, and you were radio-ing in to check on us, I made the (WRONG!) assumption that you might be cosy sailors... now suitable humbled. I find your vids quite instructive! In fact on a complete whim I bought a 24ft little yacht last September, near my parents in Norfolk. For the time being I have only river sailed it, as I'm still learning the ropes. But I'll go out at Yarmouth on her one day."

Us - "Hi Sean - I think I remember that day. Tom decided to see what F7 in the Mersey was like. We watched with great amusement from Otterspool car park and had to stop one lady from calling the coastguard."

Sean - "Haha. I remember it as a F8, gusting 9, but that must be my poetic licence ;) I hope to be back at Liverpool very soon, and continue learning :)"

Us - "There could of been F8 gusting 9 where you were. I am always amazed at how much the land will slow a breeze. I remember the race that day being cancelled, with good reason."

Sean - "It demonstrated the importance of a skipper remaining calm - Tom was exemplary in that regard, though I think he was unnerved

We will be closing our Just giving page at the end of 2020, so if you want to donate to the RNLI then go to their donation page