Beaten by a window

When we bought Salty Lass, the windows were crazed and it was one of the items that was on our to do list, so it was time so sort them out.

Well it was another windy day in Bangor, and we are so glad that we are in, we have a desire to travel, but you have to be sensible. At the moment we have had gale after gale, we have even filled up our tanks using our jerry cans, rather than motor around to the fuel docks, its been that bad. There are a lot of advantages to being in though, you have shops and facilities right on your doorstep. You even have an address that people can send things to you like windows.

We had received a window in the post from Clipper Marine, which is the Bavaria distributor. We had got the part number of the one we wanted by using the pencil rubbing technique. Knowing where the part number is useful, so we showed our viewers where the part number is and how to lift it from the window.

Once, you have the part number then you can start the long search of trying to source it. Once we had got the source, we bought just the one, that way we would only have one to deal with. Once we had received the window, we checked its measurements, against the old window and everything seemed to be fine, so it was time to remove the old window with an Allen key. So I just commented that having a full set of Allen bits on your boat is a very sensible idea.

As it was taking a long time to use the allen bit, Beverley created a new tool out of several different bits that she had in a variety of tool kits, the resulting tool was a little bit nervous, but it worked and that is what matters in these circumstances. Everything was going fine, but when we came to close the window, it just wouldn't close, because on our windows the distance between the window and the hinge. On the old window, that distance was 1.3mm, while on the new window it is 2.5mm and that distance is enough.

After several phone calls and emails, we received in the post, what is called a shim kit, which is a bit of plastic which can go between the hinge and the frame. Unfortunately it did not wotk, so it is now time for our channel to work for us, as we ask our viewers to help.