
Our blog contains, videos - these all have Prudence in the bottom left hand corner, galleries - these have © Salty Lass in the corner and just plain stories or how tos - these are plain pictures. However you use this blog, we hope that there is lots for you to enjoy.

Watch Damsels in distress in full screen mode and leave comments etc.

Damsels in distress

We had left Portpatrick in Scotland to sail to Peel in the Isle of Man. Even though the weather around the harbour had been clear, we had not got far along the coast before we hit winds gusting...
See the angels in action and leave comments etc.

Tieing up to a harbour wall

We have only tied up to a harbour wall a few times and watched several locals come in, but this will give you the general idea of the equipment that you will need. This method also relies on risers...
Watch No water under the keel in full screen mode and leave a comment etc.

No water under the keel

We stayed in Stranraer for the day, following our disaster. We were just tired out and we needed to recharge our batteries. I managed to go for a walk in the afternoon discovering a museum and an...
Watch Disaster on day one in full screen mode and leave comments etc.

Disaster on day one

We travelled up to Troon on the Sunday, so that we were bright and early to catch the morning tide out of Troon. When we got up the sea was as flat as glass and the reflections on the water were...
Watch our remaing cermoney in full screen and leave comments etc.

Renaming your yacht

You will need At least three bottles of good quality bubbly. Do not offend the gods with cheap stuff, I'm afraid they like quality Removing the old name requires one bottle, 1/2 for...
Aladdin's Cave - Full screen and where you leave comments etc.

Aladdin's Cave

We took ownership of our yacht on 14th March 2018, it had been a long journey to get our yacht but we felt that this was a great big step in the right direction to a different life offering new...
How we bought our boat - full screan and where you leave comments etc.

How we bought our boat

In our experience, there are three ways to buy a boat. Buy brand new with all the mod cons, but its expensive Buy it cheap and then do it up Look for the middle ground If you have...