Well the year is up for grabs with who know what

Watch our "It's time to run away" video and add comments

It's time to run away

We had just seen one of the best dolphin displays ever on Salty Lass, my heart was in my mouth, it was just beating like crazy. I had been filming for our channel, but I wanted to be in the moment....
Watch our "Trouble in paradise" video and add comments

Trouble in paradise

We were in the anchorage off Lingay island, but the wind was at 22knots which is beaufort 5 but we also had gust at 6. The islands around the anchorage gave some protection so that the sea state was...
Watch our "We get the weather wrong" and add comments etc.

We get the weather wrong

We were in Canna and the weather forecast was for a motor, so we decided that we would stay in Canna for the day, so I sorted out Beverley’s seat in the cockpit and Beverley put videos...
Watch our "Scotland's best kept secret" video and make comments

Scotland's best kept secret

We had finally got past Ardnamurchan point and it's lighthouse, which needed a lick of paint in my opinion. It was the same colour as the rock it stood on, so did not particularly stand out. The...
Warch our "We can do this the hard way or..." video and add comments

We can do this the hard way or...

We anchored in Loch Aline, this meant that on this trip we had been on the pontoon, taken a mooring ball, and now we were anchored. So, if you ever come to the Loch Aline, there are plenty of places...
Watch our "A big detour, but worth it" video and add comments etc.

A big detour, but worth it

After we dropped Karen off, the weather turned from mild to horrible, so we had to cross the bay over to Oban Kerrera. You are only allowed to stay in Oban Transit for a limited period, and while it...
Watch our "Take a swim on the wild side" video and add comments

Take a swim on the wild side

After picking up Karen we motored over to Loch Aline, last time we were there we had not even got off Salty Lass because it was just constant wind and rain. With Karen aboard, we wanted to rectify...
Watch our "Making Progress" video and add comments etc.

Making Progress

A different day in Scotland and the weather was completely different. The day before we had too much wind, while on this day we had too little and what we did have was bang on our nose, so we...
Watch our "Getting nowhere fast" video and add comments etc.

Getting nowhere fast

We were in Carrickfergus for a few days seeing Beverley's mum, sorting out the engine and doing shopping, but it was at last time to be off and although we left late as we were saying goodbye to...
Watch our "Who stole all the wind" video and add comments etc.

Who stole all the wind

We had come to Conwy Marina because our speed logger was not working. So Roland marine put in a working logger and tried that. This proved that the head was working fine, it just was not talking to...