What fun will we have this year

Watch our "Our plans get derailed and we have to quit our cruise" video and add comments

Our plans get derailed and we have to quit our cruise

Beverley and I had got to Waterford, so that I could get off as soon as I could and get back to the UK. This meant that Beverley was on her own into what I can only describe as a holding pattern....
Watch our "Stop chewing because your teeth are too loud" video and add comments

Stop chewing because your teeth are too loud

We had been in Kilmore Quay for a few days, but the weather looked favourable so we were off. We left just before low tide because at low tide the tide out at sea would be going in our favour, but...
Watch our "Going completley around the bend" video and add comments

Going completley around the bend

Beverley and I were a few days in Arklow, sorting out a few boat tasks and getting videos put together and things of that nature. I have to say the marina in Arklow is really tiny, but it has quite...
Watch our "Plan vs Reality. And the winner is...?" video and add comments

Plan vs Reality. And the winner is...?

The big storm that we were sheltering from had passed and we had left a full 24hours to let the seas calm down. So now it was a case of planning our passage and seeing if our plan matched up to...
Watch our "Battery failure, but the sail was nice" video and add comments

Battery failure, but the sail was nice

We left Malahide to anchor just off Ireland's eye. The weather was beautiful and it was fantastic sailing weather. I left Beverley on the helm because the last time she was on the helm, she received...
Watch our "It's supposed to be warmer if you go south" video and add comments

It's supposed to be warmer if you go south

Our around Ireland adventures had begun, we had finally gone around the corner of Belfast Lough and we were motor sailing down the Ards peninsula. I had already changed into my Mullions and I was...
Watch our "Force 7 winds and we are sailing!" video and add comments

Force 7 winds and we are sailing!

The great canopy project of 2022 was at an end and it was at last time to leave Abercorn Basin. The basin was completely smooth so going astern was relatively easy, although I did panic at one point...
Watch our "Would you let us crew your boat?" video and add comments

Would you let us crew your boat?

The day our contract expired arrived and it was time to move Salty Lass. Beverley found that having a checklist of all the tasks that we needed to do helped as it gave her a regularity of tasks that...
Watch our "Why you should never make your own sprayhood" video and add comments

Why you should never make your own sprayhood

I am turning into my mother every day, and with the expression I am wearing in this picture then I look just like her. This is my grumpy look, and the only saving grace is I do not show this face...
Watch our "A beak extension can keep you afloat" video and add comments

A beak extension can keep you afloat

Viewers to our channel probably think we are mad, well with a title of "A beak-extension can keep you afloat" then I think the word probably has just been removed. so we now have "Viewers to our...