It's the start of the year, so there is hope that we will get around Ireland this year, but even if that doen't happen heres to a great year of sailing.

Watch our "Our plans go wrong on Day one" video and add comments

Our plans go wrong on Day one

After a long delay because of weather, we were finally off. Our delay in departure was even longer than last year when I had to complete making the canopy before our departure. So in preparation...
Watch our "Don't drop me because it's a long way down" video and add comments

Don't drop me because it's a long way down

We were stuck in Bangor Marina, there was storm after storm and they were all coming from the South, so we could not start our adventure, so we decided to go back to the marina and use the...
Watch our "Making Washboards" video and add comments

Making Washboards

We had travelled late from Carrickfergus because we had hoped that the weather would get milder as the evening progressed. However, we had got kicked about and anchored in the dark. Well now it was...
Watch our "I'm so glad that I have wobbly bits" video and add comments

I'm so glad that I have wobbly bits

We were in Carrickfergus for two nights and we were determined to make the best use of our stay, so one on the things on our list of jobs to do was repair the anchor locker. The piece of wood under...
Watch our "After 6 months, can we still remember how to sail?" video and add comments

After 6 months, can we still remember how to sail?

Can you believe it, we have finally left the marina, we are only going to Carrickfergus to see Beverley's mum, but we are leaving the marina. The sea state was rather lumpy and there was a fair...
Watch our "No sails! No engine! We've lots to do" video and add comments

No sails! No engine! We've lots to do

As our contract nears the end, we carry on with our preparation for departure Departure day - 5 Beverley had visited a forcourt washing machine facility and got all the ropes washed. I have to...
Covered in filth, slime and dirt

Covered in filth, slime and dirt

I had at last finished my wee job that keeps me busy during the winter, so it was time to buckle down and help Beverley complete all the jobs that need doing before we can venture out on our...
Watch our "We'll either fix it or really break it" video and add comments

Radio Mic

We had taken the sail down, but it was far too windy to continue with that job, so we decided to tackle a little job inside the boat and that was our fixing our radio mic. The cable that we ordered...
Watch our "Stripper jumps from boat" video and add comments

Stripper jumps from boat

The title for this episode comes from "Blown away" and is very accurate, but trust me on this we remain fully dressed through out the episode. I was at work, so it was up to Beverley to sort out...
Watch our "Winches Seized, radio broken. Just another day aboard..." video and add comments

Winches Seized, radio broken. Just another day aboard...

One of the maintenance jobs that needed doing was servicing the winches. We service our winches every two years, it should be every year but in reality it is every two years. So prior to servicing...