Salty Sausage rides again

We were off once again and this time we were off to a little island called Gigha, there was absolutely no wind, so we motored across. While we sat in the cockpit keeping an eye on the autopilot, we whipped a few lines that had come loose and sorted out new lines for the fender step, which had come undone rather recently. Beverley showed ne how to do a halyard knot, but of course, she did it that fast, it was rediculus, tryin to follow her, so I got her to slow right down so that I could see what she was doing.

As it was a reasonable length of time to get to Gigha from Islay, we did get the sails up in the end, of course, the wind was in the wrong direction for where we were going, but we didn't care, we were sailing. Near the end of the passage, we did motor and we picked up a mooring ball. Gigha island is a lovely place and we were keen to explore. So that meant that we had to get Salty Sausage off the back of the transom and down onto the sea for the first time this season. I'm afraid that there is no good way to get yourself into a dinghy and I have to tell you, Beverley laughed at me several time as I got into Salty Sausage. By the time we had got the Sausage down sorted it out ready for sea and travelled the short distance over to Gigha island, I was exhausted.

We went out for dinner that night at a restaurant called The Boathouse, it was really nice and it was great to have a really good meal, we went for a walk afterwards and we were very keen to explore more the next day.

However, the next day it was raining and rather than go cycling which is what we had planned, we decided to head to Tayvallich because two people had contacted us through our facebook page and they were there in their yacht. So as we waited for the tide to go North we talked to Patrick Lane who also has a you tube channel and we had a good chat to him. We also went and paid for the mooring before lifting Salty Sausage out of the water.

It was a bit of a boring motor up the coast to Tayvallich, but the mooring at Tayvallich was just beautiful. While we were sorting out the sails, we saw the two people from the sailing and cruising Northern Ireland group that we had planned to meet and we agreed to meet at their yacht later. So straight after tea we got Salty Sausage out again and went over to their yacht.

I drank too much, but they showed us lots of places where we could anchor, so that is something that we will have to do.

The next day, I became ill as I had damaged my arm, all day I stayed in bed, while Beverley visited with friends from Liverpool and cooked cock-a-leekie soup.