Live from Carrickfergus

Well this was just a little bit of an experiment, as we tried out our first live stream, we just had a few people on when we were live but it was enough for us to handle. For us the experiment was partly about organising the technology. So we had one phone dealing with the receiving so that we could respond to comments etc. and we had the other phone dealing with just the video feed. There was a little bit of lag between what was happening and what we were receiving, but when you consider what was happening all at the same time. It was pretty amazing that it all worked. We have no idea if we will do this again, but it was a really easy video to organise, so for a great way of keeping the videos going and still having a rest from the pressure of putting out a video every week. it was a great idea.

It can be very scary, doing a live stream, but we thought that we would give it a go, We had managed to sort out the technology so that the one phone was being used as the camera. So much better than my web cam, which makes me look like I have two double chins. So as soon as we we on the air Beverley and I started chatting initially about the delay as it can feel a bit weird the first time you experience it. I started talking about my daughter who does live stream but she is a single person doing it, so I felt really happy to have Beverley to talk to. Then all of a sudden our first participent turned up in the form of Dave Goodfield, His boat is just behind ours so we were wondering exactly where he was in the world. He said he was in his castle, but I expect it is just his home, because after all every man's home is his castle.

Then we got another viewer on line called Andy Crawfield and all of a sudden we were chatting and talking to people. Andy was talking to us from Bradford, which reminded Beverley of when she worked for a company in Pudsley, which is just outside Bradford, while I went for an interview at the University there many years ago. Another viewer called Ian Fox wanted to know what our weather was like, as he was in St. Helens with snow. We on the other hand had rain which was keeping the ice at bay, but higher up where Beverley's Aunt lives there is snow on the ground and under that black ice as it was freezing last night.

Then all of a sudden we had a viewer called Rd Williams from Texas. We were amazed to have a viewer from so far away. Soon more friends were turning up like Hugh Burgess, we had hope to be going out with him, but the new restrictions stopped that. We continued chatting about what is coming up in a future video as we had completed all the filming that we needed to do for that episode. Then we got our first question which was about our heating cost. That varies depending on where we are, for example the electric is cheaper in Carrick than in Bangor. We use diesel for our heating and not only do you have the cost of the fuel but you also have the service cycle of the heating system as well. That is why we learned how to service our heater ourself.

For some reason one of our viewers mentioned an eye patch so Chief Conway was brought out with his eye patch, We also talked about dogs and how they can be used as hot water bottles which meant that Mr Snuggles from the V-birth was brought out.

Beverley tried to bring the conversation back to what we are doing, so she brought out one of the sockets that we are making. They look really good now and once the windows are done, this is what we will be sorting out next. We also talked about our engine and it needing a service, so we said that we would be changing the coolant this year and I want to run vinegar through the engine which can also help as it removes limescale from inside the engine block.

Then Gavin Smith came on stream and he asked us about our sailing plans. The main thing that we want to do is still go around Ireland, but this year, if that does not pan out we are going to make a back up plan. We are going off regardless and we will make the best of where we can go. For example if we can't go around Ireland then we might go to the Isles of Silly, this reminded us that we were offered a job there, but we had nowhere for Salty Lass to go, so it was not for us. So the main thing that we have to juggle is Covid, just like everyone else, but it reminded me of how mad I was when the doctor refused to sort out Beverley's prescription and she had to turn up in person, so annoying but that it life.

We mentioned some of the places we would like to go, like Baltimore, the fast net rock, going to Star wars island and places like that. there are so many places that I want to go and I really hope that we can go this year.

We talked about all sorts of things, like dehumidifiers, the sun going down over the yard arm, Bucks Fizz, places to go, boat projects etc. Even though I know this already we can really talk and I have an infectious laugh. I have watched the episode myself and overall I find it quite comforting.

In the end we had a maximum of 23 viewers on all at the same time, it was a great experiment and we will try to do this again, but not too often.