12 months in 12 minutes

We are having a break from vlogging every week, so this week we put together a summary video which hi-lights some of our adventures from the year. Please note: The links to our own web site stay on page while the links to video go to you tube


We started the year and the blog in the starboard locker ( video ) where we just did a whole load of little tasks to make it a more useable space. I also learnt how to go backwards which I should of called going astern ( video ). The main project that we carried out was replacing the exhaust on our Eberspacher and trying out a tip from one of our viewers which was to use coke as a cleaning agent and have to tell you it worked really well.( video )


In February we were beaten by a window ( video ) and we changed our water lock for a plastic version ( video ) The water lock is a common fault so is something that you should keep an eye on, on your own boat.


The last of our upgrades budget was spent this month when we bought our AIS solution and installed it ( video ) It is so good to have AIS and to be able to decide when you are tracked and when we want to be in stealth mode.


In April we aired our last sail in Bangor which was in dreadful weather but we managed to cross Belfast Lough just before the lock down started ( video ) so that Beverley could be closer to her Mum. The only other hi-light was that we learnt how to wind Salty Lass ( video ), we got into so much trouble over that video it was ridiculous, but it was filmed while we were in lockdown. So glad we didn't show the footage of our water races, that probably would of got us burned at the steak.


This month we had virtual guests aboard as we invited a few other sailing channels to contribute to a video about the different types of AIS solutions that are available ( video ). It was good fun making that video and I think we really needed to connect to other people at that time.


We were allowed out of the marina at last, so we had a few trials and tribulations as we were back in the saddle again ( video )


At last we headed out to Strandford lough, one of the places that I had really wanted to go ( video ) so it was great going there at last.


We highlight what we think of Strangford Lough ( video ) as well as try out some Ferry gliding in Port-a-ferry ( video ). Then we sailed over to Scotland ( video ) with a minor detour to Larne Lough


In September my daughter Gemma came on board and promptly set off her life jacket in our Whats that bang hiss noise ( video ). We also invited our friend Karen aboard so we had three women on a boat ( video ) as we explored Bute. Then it was time for her to go in Journey's end ( video ) as we sailed around the Kyles of Bute.


In October we managed to get out of the marina and explore Larne Lough in our secret anchorage video, then Beverley had a Moana moment before our plans got junked ( video ), but when had


In November one of the things we learnt was how to heave to and reef our sails ( video ) a really useful technique and one that I would recommend to anybody that has slab reefed sails


In December we had planned to complete a triangle, but the weather was completly wrong so nothing goes right ( video ) but while we are learning that seems to be normal.

Well we hope you like what we have done this year, not a lot really, but we certainly had as much fun as we could.