Chicken Coops and the Starboard Locker

As always we had lots to do, in fact we had so much to do to improve the starboard locker that we thought that it would be fun to bring a whole episode from there. One of our subscribers said that they never knew what they were going to get, well in this cas, I don't think that we knew either.

Beverley and I had been talking about sausages and sizzle, our videos represent the sausage, they have a gritty reality to them, when we had an issue with our gas, which had liquidfied overnight as the temperature was so cold, we decided to emphasise this point by me videoing Beverley as she had to go out in her nighty just so that she could shake the gas bottle. Once the bottle was shaken we were cooking with gas so we had a lovely breakfast of bacon butties.

Dingy Tidy

We had a really fancy idea about the dinghy tidy. We had this plan which involved bits of wood, hooks and some other bits, but when we discussed it we brought it all down to a couple of p-clips and some bungy cords. so instead of taking ages to complete the whole thing was sorted out in a few minutes. Now the bungy cord I used was too big, but I didn't cut it or anything so that if the idea was a bust, then I still had the original bungy cord to use on something else

Rope Tidy

Beverley and I decided that we needed an additional rope tidy for the ropes that we use on a regular basis, so I found some scrap wood and I cut it into the correct shape, then used sikaflex to stick the wood to the side of the hull. After it was dry, some varnish and some hooks that we had lying around and the job was complete.

Cockpit Light

We wanted a new cockpit light so I created one out of a small plastic box, some wires that I had in our spares and a small in-line switch. Once I had made the light, I installed it in the cockpit, tested it, then once I was happy with the test I tidied it all up and the job was done

Poop Tool

This was one of the easiest tools that Beverley made and she made it out of a piece on wood and two blocks, The blocks were just big enough to go in the lid so that we could exert enough leverage on the tank to open it

Cage Improvements

On Salty Lass, there was already a cage to keep the fenders away from the Eberspacher Hose, it was just that the fixing onto the side of the boat was a bit rubbish. So I got a piece of wood off the marina and I cut it to shape using the dividers and a pen trick. Once I had the piece of wood the correct shape, I sanded the wood down, gave it a clean and then varnished it. The other thing I needed to do was remove all the old fixtures. A hammer and they were soon history. Once we had constructed the chicken coop, we were able to add the new side and the job was done.

Chicken Coop

We have a cockpit shower, the pipe of which was cable tied up out of the way so that it would not touch the Eberspacher hose. One day, I would love to use it so what we decided to do was buy some Chicken wire, this was then folded into place so that the shower pipe would stay within the cage. It needed several adjustments so that the shower would keep in the cage, but eventually it was all sorted so that I could pull out the shower and put it back without it touching the exhaust hose.