These are our adventures in 2018. This was the year that we bought the Lass and brought her home to Liverpool, we then had a mini adventure joining the fleet for the 99th Isle of Man race from Liverpool to the Isle of Man. From there we sailed up to Whitehaven where we got stuck for a few days before our long sail back to Liverpool. After that it we had an Irish Sea adventure of about five weeks before we returned to Liverpool to begin our boat projects.

Watch our 'We are going to Dublin' video and add comments etc.

We are going to Dublin

Howth Lifeboat had got us safely secured back in Howth Marina. So now at least we had options, we could use the service of the local yard and have a lift and hold, but we could also employ the...
Watch our Rescue at Sea and add comments etc.

Rescued at Sea

We arrived in Howth quite late, so once we had secured Salty Lass and knew that she was safe, we went down below and crashed out. The next day, once we had filled in the paperwork at the marina,...
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Sailing to Ireland

As we were moored up in Port Dinorwic, my mother and my brother took the opportunity to come visit us. So we explored around the local area, which allowed us to watch the regatta. There was so many...
Watch our navigation of the Swellies and add comments etc.

Navigating The Swellies - Menai Strait - North Wales

Beverley was wondering about the passage and worrying about the length of time it would take. So we got the maps out and I saw immediately where she was going wrong. It was the same mistake that I...
Watch our Stormy Weather video and add comments etc.

Stormy Weather

We went around Conwy one last time and found a defibrillator in a phone box, which I thought was a great use for the old style telephone box. The weather predictions were fine and everything...
Watch our Navigation through the rock channel story and add comments etc.

Navigating Liverpool's Rock Channel to Conwy

Sometimes it can take ages to get stuff sorted. We are still busy working and dealing with customers and other jobs that it just seems like everything is getting in the way. We had invited friends...
Watch our Getting the Grot off the yacht video and add comments etc.

Getting the grot off the yacht

Every time we come back to Liverpool, we update a little bit more of the yacht. On our way down from Whitehaven, the cover on the wheel had got a little bit tatty, so one sunny afternoon, I got my...
Watch me making the cheats Banoffee pie and add comments etc.

Cheats Banoffee Pie

I am sure that this recipe has been around for ages, but I had recently bought a portion of Jeffersons rum butter in Whitehaven and the idea of making a biscuit base, with the rum butter, was very...
Watch our party on the pudge video and add comments etc.

Party on the Pudge

We had travelled down to Maldon in Essex, to see our friends boat, "The Nobby Empress". On the Friday night there was a launch party for the boat, which was attended by the shipwrights who had...
Prudences Dream

Prudences Dream

Prudence had a dream. Her little boat was getting tattered and she wanted a bigger boat. She wanted all her friends to join her in the boat and she wanted it to be secured in Salty Lass. She...