Navigating Liverpool's Rock Channel to Conwy

Sometimes it can take ages to get stuff sorted. We are still busy working and dealing with customers and other jobs that it just seems like everything is getting in the way. We had invited friends over for a meal at our flat before they went on holiday and we were still there when they came back. Although it seemed like ages, we were soon getting the yacht ready for another adventure.

One of the things that is needed on a yacht is a marker pen so that paper can be taken off tins and then the tins can be safely stored in the bilge.

We had decided to go through the Rock channel to Conwy, which meant taking GPS co-ordinates from Liverpool Yacht Clubs diary.

Waypoint     Latitude      Longitude
Rock Entrance at New Brighton   53° 26'.77   03° 02'.82
Chip   53° 26'.72   03° 03'.50
Mid Way   53° 26'.73   03° 03'.76
Corner   53° 26'.75   03° 04'.83
One Third   53° 26'.80   03° 04'.95
Two Thirds   53° 26'.94   03° 05'.43
Tail of the Bank   53° 26'.07   03° 06'.97
Offshore Waypoint   53° 27'.40   03° 06'.82
Wrecks   53° 27'.39
53° 26'.92
  03° 06'.27
03° 05'.24

 In brief the passage which is only good for high water +/- 1 hour for the channel is

  • Brazil Buoy - Green can
  • Entrance to Rock channel - just outside the perch
  • Chip - Midway through the channel
  • Corner - At the start of the channel
  • Follow a transit with the dome between the two flats
  • Turn just before the spit

Once we had negotiated the rock channel, it was time to get a bearing for Conwy. We got all the sails up and because the tide was with us, we made between 5-7knots, with everything nicely under control. The passage into Conwy was a little tricky, but Beverley did an expert job while I navigated and looked for buoyage and lobster pots.


Conwy is a great town and only a short distance from the marina. There is lots to do, with the Castle, shops and the smallest house in Great Britain